My joint exhibition with fellow Artist/ Painter Jason Nosworthy is now open! It is looking really good and what a fabulous exhibition space!
Here is a summary of the exhibition:
Wells Museum 28th May – 7th June 2014
8 Cathedral Green, Wells, Somerset BA5 2UE http://wellsmuseum.org.uk/
Opening times: Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm
An exhibition of paintings by Jason Nosworthy (BA Hons) and of Photographs by Christina White (MA ARPS)
These two artists explore the theme of landscape and surface texture quite differently, yet there is a parallel relationship in their work. Jason’s paintings are rich in narrative, and colour, texture and line are a common theme throughout his work. The deconstruction of what is real and viewed is in part the substance of Jason’s work, alongside a layering process that has arisen from a greater scrutiny of natural forms. Art history has informed his viewpoint and it is through a daily dedication to find new ways of seeing, to express himself in the medium of paint and mixed media that drives his passion.
Through her photographs, Christina explores the industrial man altered landscape of the Mendip Hills. Limestone quarrying has been of national importance since the beginning of the 19th century and Mendip boats some of the largest quarries in Europe. Day to day formations spanning some 300 million years are uncovered. The scrutiny of disused quarries involve the use of multiple exposures to create images which reveal the different layers of history together with the narrative of the industrial past. She does not necessarily convey an environmental message, she is more preoccupied with the extraordinary tenacity of the earth to recover and evolve.