‘step in stone’ is a collaborative holistic, multi-stranded Art Trail around 3 disused and working Quarries in the East Mendips. It is aimed at promoting and exploring Somerset’s art, heritage and beauty. The art is challenging and contemporary to include a range of disciplines – sculpture, photography, textiles, painting, drawing, sound and print.
The Quarry Art Trail is a new, original concept, which encompasses art, science (natural history, ecology, geology) and public engagement, appealing to local, regional, national and international audiences. It aims to surprise, delight and showcase distinctive art in a new environment. As new venues for art, quarries are particularly prevalent in Somerset’s heritage and are steeped in history, controversy, mystery and diversity. Many are now disused, enigmatic, hidden environments, taken over by wildlife, some are designated as Sites of Specific Scientific interest. Others are desolate underworlds, having formed moonscapes, canyons, lakes, savannah, with huge ruins and rich in scrap pickings. This has formed the inspiration for a public quarry art trail.
It is now open and for further information please visit the website: https://stepinstonesomerset.wordpress.com/